Love is Sweet: Couples’ Interviews

In honor of Valentine’s Day and our #TakeAMoment campaign, we’re sharing the love stories of four different couples from all walks of life. No matter if it is new love, a longtime love, or young love, love is love. To spread the love, we treated them to our Chocolate Love Pedi in a Box 4 Step for the ultimate pampering session. Every day can be sweet with the help of our self-care essentials!

Meet the Couples

Andrea & Mr. Nine

1. How did you meet and fall in love?

We met on a football field where Mr. Nine was passing out fliers for an upcoming event. When he handed me the paper, it was electric. We found out we only lived a half-mile from one another, so we’d walk to each other’s house. Eight months later, we eloped to Gatlinburg and got married in a little log chapel.

2. What’s your favorite thing about your partner?

For me, it’s his commitment to our marriage and making it happy, fun, and joyful. After asking him what his favorite thing about me is…one word, he said it is my “heart!” Aww.

3. How do you #TakeAMoment and self-care together?

Self-care for us is all about the little things; a cozy night by the fire, a back rub, or foot rub. Even just the act of booking a couples’ massage or spa day gives us the element of something to look forward to together.

Kate & Jesse

1. How did you meet and fall in love?

Jesse used to work with my best friend and long-time roommate, Maggie. We were both single and new to the city, so Maggie would take me as her plus-one to her work parties. I met Jesse at their summer party and made Maggie swear that if he was ever single, she'd hook it up. A few years later, he was! Jesse and I both agree that we fell in love sometime between a particularly crazy Rangers game we went to together and an Italian dinner date when we closed out the restaurant.

2. What’s your favorite thing about your partner?

I always knew I would end up with someone incredibly kind—not just to me, but to everyone, even strangers—but Jesse gives "generosity" a whole new definition. Plus, we're both big kids at heart. We both love video games, Gushers, and new adventures.

3. How do you #TakeAMoment and self-care together?

This is kind of funny, but I put lip balm on Jesse Every. Single. Night. Like, he's about to roll over to fall asleep, and I grab the tube and physically apply it to his lips. Ha! It was something he never did for himself—his lips used to always be chapped—and now it's just a small daily way I show him I care.

Savanna & Nathan

1. How did you meet and fall in love?

My husband, Nathan, and I met in school. We'd been going to school together since the 2nd grade, so we knew each other very young. It wasn't until high school that we really took an interest in each other. We started dating when we were 16 years old, and he asked me out to the drive-in where we had our first date. We went to prom together, graduated high school together, and dated throughout college.

2. What’s your favorite thing about your partner?

My favorite thing about my husband is his loyalty to family–whether it be me, our children, or our parents and siblings. He's there for us at the drop of a hat whenever we need him. His ability to adapt to what we need and put our needs above his is really what makes him the best husband ever. He takes care of us and always keeps us laughing.

3. How do you #TakeAMoment and self-care together?

Now that we're parents it really can be hard to take a moment for ourselves. But we know the importance of it, so we regularly schedule babysitters so that we can divulge in self-care in the form of date nights. We also try to squeeze in things like a massage before bed or a quick at-home workout after work.

Carmen & Gabriella

1. How did you meet and fall in love?

We met in massage school and just never left each other alone since then!

2. What’s your favorite thing about your partner?

I love Gabriella’s tenacity. Gabriella loves that I’m bold.

3. How do you #TakeAMoment and self-care together?

We love quality alone time. In our busy lives sometimes that can be hard to attain, but we try to just have no distractions and hang out with each other!

All you need is love…and our Chocolate Love Pedi in a Box! This 4-step pedicure kit includes a salt soak, sugar scrub, mud masque, and massage butter–it’s the perfect sweet treat for your feet. Show yourself or your sweetheart some love! Shop now.

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